No Line on the Horizon

My journey to become a United States Sailor.

Sing yourself with fife and drum, sing yourself to overcome

Ahhhh! The windows are open, there's a cool breeze moving through the house and it feels like Fall. We've had a total cooldown here today in Greensboro and its lovely!

Autumn is my favorite season and I just wish this weather would start now and last until Winter. I've already bought the stuff to make a Fall foliage wreath and I might go out and get some fabric to make a fabric wreath as well. :)

I went for a run today outside and it was fantastic! I did about a mile and a quarter which is less than the 1.5 I've been doing lately. But I haven't run outdoors with hills for quite some time. It felt really nice.

Ladies, I'm thinking about making some changes to this page and I want to share with you my reasons and see what you think.

I'm just not sure about the Navy. If I'm really and truly honest thats just how I feel. One day I feel like its definitely in my future and another I don't. Quite honestly I feel like I'm meant to teach and I just haven't found a teaching position. So during the days when I'm not feeling so hot about the Navy (more that its just not realistic for me) I say that I'm just training for the Navy as a backup.

I'm not sure I can get into the Navy with my debt-to-income ratio, and there are times when I feel its not for me. I feel that teaching is definitely for me but I'm sending resumes out left, right, and center and not hearing a peep back in return.

The bottom line is this: I need to get the rest of this weight off, and I need to start a career.

So I'm thinking about making this page more generalized to a blog about my life but the scope of that idea seems so broad to me right now I'm not sure I would find much to write about. I can certainly write about my fitness/nutrition..

What do you think? What should I do with this blog and what do you think is the deal with my on again, off again attitude? Is anyone else in the same boat?

Until this is settled, I sign,
