No Line on the Horizon

My journey to become a United States Sailor.

Sing yourself with fife and drum, sing yourself to overcome

Ahhhh! The windows are open, there's a cool breeze moving through the house and it feels like Fall. We've had a total cooldown here today in Greensboro and its lovely!

Autumn is my favorite season and I just wish this weather would start now and last until Winter. I've already bought the stuff to make a Fall foliage wreath and I might go out and get some fabric to make a fabric wreath as well. :)

I went for a run today outside and it was fantastic! I did about a mile and a quarter which is less than the 1.5 I've been doing lately. But I haven't run outdoors with hills for quite some time. It felt really nice.

Ladies, I'm thinking about making some changes to this page and I want to share with you my reasons and see what you think.

I'm just not sure about the Navy. If I'm really and truly honest thats just how I feel. One day I feel like its definitely in my future and another I don't. Quite honestly I feel like I'm meant to teach and I just haven't found a teaching position. So during the days when I'm not feeling so hot about the Navy (more that its just not realistic for me) I say that I'm just training for the Navy as a backup.

I'm not sure I can get into the Navy with my debt-to-income ratio, and there are times when I feel its not for me. I feel that teaching is definitely for me but I'm sending resumes out left, right, and center and not hearing a peep back in return.

The bottom line is this: I need to get the rest of this weight off, and I need to start a career.

So I'm thinking about making this page more generalized to a blog about my life but the scope of that idea seems so broad to me right now I'm not sure I would find much to write about. I can certainly write about my fitness/nutrition..

What do you think? What should I do with this blog and what do you think is the deal with my on again, off again attitude? Is anyone else in the same boat?

Until this is settled, I sign,



i do my blog about everything., my hope is that one day my children will see all the pages ive printed of everything i wrote. I love the feeling of doing something with my life and doing something to secure mine and my husbands foundation for ourselves and our family. when it comes to running thats the only thing i feel like it will keep me from my self and our future. but i push hardfer and harder every day we dont have another choice. =) Jut believe in your heart.


Ultimately you have to follow your heart wherever it leads you, whether that's the Navy or teaching. I know that I'd planned on joining the military after college (I even went to the Citadel for about 4 days my freshman year), but I let fear (and my 18-year-old stupidity) take over and I never did it. Now I'm 30 and trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. I have a degree in English that I've never done anything with. I've worked in retail for 2 wireless carriers and hated it. I decided it's time for something different and I'm scared to death. The Navy will be a huge culture shock for me. I want to be a Navy Diver which takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but I know in my heart (despite the fear) that it will probably be the best thing for me. Sit down and ask yourself what's stopping you. Is it truly the desire to teach or is it fear of the unknown? If it's the former, then there you go, but don't settle for second best if it's not really what you want. I hope this helps! I know it's a huge decision and we are all right there with you.


Do Hard Things.
That is just it. You may be on again, off again because it is difficult. Only you can answer the question of what you should do - but what you list as obstacles - are only that - obstacles that can be overcome. You can lose the weight - it takes time and lots of hard work - it takes making conscious decisions and sacrifice. The debt ratio - that too - takes discipline and hard work.

What is it you want? What is it you seek? What happens on the day it becomes difficult to walk into the classroom because you have students that are not motivated to listen? What happens when the parents of the kids you teach do not support you? Would you give in and quit because it is hard.

Make your blog about self realization - I read a blog called - and what those ladies are trying to accomplish is simply ink therapy.

If you do not want the Navy - then stop reaching - but do not for one minute wish you stopped trying. I had been running from making the best decision of my life and I will never regret the hard work and effort it took. I love the Navy. I love what it stands for. I love being a part of something bigger. I would hate for you to walk away - but it is work and it is an effort but reaching the goal - that is the best part.

Open your heart - but do not let your mind defeat you. Make a decision and focus. Keep your eye on the disco ball...


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