Silliness and Strains
Well its been several days since my last post but good lord have I been busy!
On the 17th I headed home to Indiana to stay with my parents for a week and 2 days. I stayed for a week last year and didn't make plans with anyone before I arrives. So I ended up being bored silly because all of my friends had other plans or had to work. This year I made plans ahead and was so busy it was ridiculous. But it was great. I had a really good time spending so much time with family and friends.
So I'm back now and even though I ran a couple of times while I was up in Indiana I've kinda dropped off of that for the time being. One of the things I really wanted to do this summer was to get back to the Y and take advantage of their workout classes. Monday I did Hip Hop Hustle which was like Zumba had sex with Usher. I also managed to mysteriously pull something in my calf over the weekend so that hurt like hell the whole time. It was fun though but because of my calf I was VERY ready for it to end by the time it did.
Yesterday I did Matworks which is basically Pilates with a touch of Yoga for good measure. That went fairly well considering that the one and only other time I did it a couple of weeks ago I thought I was going to cry. I can definitely tell that I've improved. I think this is really going to help my core strength develop. There are a LOT of core stability poses and stretches. You know the kind of thing where you shake like jello trying to hold it? Which is why I was a little miffed last night when my husband scoffed at what I had done and told me it was "recreational". He also refused to try it himself. Nice. I'll remember that when I'm at my Navy fitness peak and I can bench press him. Of course he tried to back out of it and said that he was just saying that the fact that I have the summer off was recreational. Um...sure dear...dig the hole.
So anyhow I was really disappointed this morning when I woke up and my calf was really hurting. I went ahead and texted the friend I was going to Zumba with and told her that I was going to have to beg out. I hate to do that. Its just that I pushed through the pain Monday and Tuesday and I guess it didn't help the situation out much. I might have to consider getting a heating pad. I think this type of strain or whatever requires heat, right?
On totally random note I'm sitting here reading about how the USS Oak Hill is putting in at Boston today. That must be really cool, especially for the sailors on board. I really can't wait for that kind of experience.
In my next post I'll try to talk about some of the rates that I'm interested in.
Until then!!
"Do Hard Things..."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ATTENTION, ATTENTION<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I know, I know..Hide yo kids. Hide yo wives, and hide yo husbands.
Well.. After much debate and some very intense soul-searching...I've decided to continue my training for the Navy. WOOT WOOT!
Let me try to explain this in order... Last year sometime I totally fell off the wagon. I became convinced that my debt or some bizarre, miniscule little health problem was going to keep me out of the Navy and I was busting my butt for nothing. So I just quit. Yeah, I said it. I'm a quitter. Ugh...that's even ugly to type!
But you know how people say that you should never give up on anything that you can't go a day without thinking about? Yeah..that's the Navy for me. So I thought about it for months and always managed to talk myself out of it. But then multiple forces seemed to come together to push me in the right direction...
Do Hard Things.
That is just it. You may be on again, off again because it is difficult. Only you can answer the question of what you should do - but what you list as obstacles - are only that - obstacles that can be overcome. You can lose the weight - it takes time and lots of hard work - it takes making conscious decisions and sacrifice. The debt ratio - that too - takes discipline and hard work.
What is it you want? What is it you seek? What happens on the day it becomes difficult to walk into the classroom because you have students that are not motivated to listen? What happens when the parents of the kids you teach do not support you? Would you give in and quit because it is hard.
Make your blog about self realization - I read a blog called - and what those ladies are trying to accomplish is simply ink therapy.
If you do not want the Navy - then stop reaching - but do not for one minute wish you stopped trying. I had been running from making the best decision of my life and I will never regret the hard work and effort it took. I love the Navy. I love what it stands for. I love being a part of something bigger. I would hate for you to walk away - but it is work and it is an effort but reaching the goal - that is the best part.
Open your heart - but do not let your mind defeat you. Make a decision and focus. Keep your eye on the disco ball... "
"Do hard things..". That may be the simplest advice I've ever gotten, but man that really resounded with me. Why did I quit? Because it was hard and I wasn't guaranteed anything. I wasn't willing to put forth the effort and get let down. But what am I going to lose? I've GOT to get this weight off. If I do that and then they don't let me in then I've still got the weight off.
So that's what I'm doing. I'm reminding myself to do hard things. And, I'll tell you...I've never realized until now just how quickly I wanted to give up when things get tough. I've picked back up on my running and have had to build that mental toughness back up from nothing all over again. It hasn't been easy, but it's been worth it.
Last summer I was barely able to fit into 14s after coming down from a size 20 at my highest weight of 238lbs. In February of this year I was devastated to find that my weight had shot up after I totally fell off the Navy/exercise wagon. I found myself wearing 18s again. I was in total denial at first and even bought my first home pregnancy kit thinking that I had to be pregnant if I had gained so much weight so quickly. Of course it was negative because the truth was that I just got fat again. So I said SCREW THIS. I'm not going back there! I got back up to about 220 and started working my ass off again.
Now its June and I'm fitting into some of my 14s again. I still haven't gotten below 200 again which is frustrating, but I'm going about my fitness differently.
Last year when I was training I was getting really discouraged with the push-ups/curl-ups. I mean seriously...YOU try to do sit-ups when you're 200lbs. I also have a really weak core. However....this time I'm taking my husband's advice and I'm going to get a lot of the weight off first before I start doing that stuff again. Thats just a lot of weight to be working with and though it's possible it feels terrible!
The running is helping. I can tell that its trimming my belly up and the rest of me. I'm not losing the weight as quickly this time, but I think that might be a good thing. I'm trying to focus on a lifestyle overhaul instead of letting myself get frustrated because I'm not meeting weight-loss goals.
That was another problem. People..if you're going to set a weight-loss goal then please do so realistically and not like I did. I had this idea that I was going to go home to my family last year and look like a completely different person. And even though I was doing REALLY well with my training and had lost a lot of came to about two weeks before I was supposed to go and it hit me like a ton of bricks that there was no way I was going to meet that goal. That really sent me into a downward spiral and was the beginning of the end for me. So please don't do that to yourselves!
So anyhow I'm running every other day and I'm back up to 2.5mi and anxious to get back to my 5k distance. I'm eating a lot better as well. So I'll keep you all posted as far as my progress.
I can't wait to be a United States Sailor.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ATTENTION, ATTENTION<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I know, I know..Hide yo kids. Hide yo wives, and hide yo husbands.
Well.. After much debate and some very intense soul-searching...I've decided to continue my training for the Navy. WOOT WOOT!
Let me try to explain this in order... Last year sometime I totally fell off the wagon. I became convinced that my debt or some bizarre, miniscule little health problem was going to keep me out of the Navy and I was busting my butt for nothing. So I just quit. Yeah, I said it. I'm a quitter. Ugh...that's even ugly to type!
But you know how people say that you should never give up on anything that you can't go a day without thinking about? Yeah..that's the Navy for me. So I thought about it for months and always managed to talk myself out of it. But then multiple forces seemed to come together to push me in the right direction...
- For one thing a teaching job didn't exactly fall into my lap and doesn't look like its going to.
- My husband constantly reminded me how much he thought I was going to regret not going for it (and he's right)
- I prayed really hard for some guidance and found myself facing two paths...teaching or the Navy
- Strangely enough I got a free tarot reading at this hippity dippity shop in town, and although I don't buy into that stuff I thought the lady gave me really sound advice which is too complicated to go into on here, but she basically told me to meditate. I did for the first time and believe that something.. call it the Holy Spirit or my unconscious mind or whatever...showed me exactly which path to take
- And lastly, I checked back in on here months after abandoning my blog and found this comment from someone named Jen..
Do Hard Things.
That is just it. You may be on again, off again because it is difficult. Only you can answer the question of what you should do - but what you list as obstacles - are only that - obstacles that can be overcome. You can lose the weight - it takes time and lots of hard work - it takes making conscious decisions and sacrifice. The debt ratio - that too - takes discipline and hard work.
What is it you want? What is it you seek? What happens on the day it becomes difficult to walk into the classroom because you have students that are not motivated to listen? What happens when the parents of the kids you teach do not support you? Would you give in and quit because it is hard.
Make your blog about self realization - I read a blog called - and what those ladies are trying to accomplish is simply ink therapy.
If you do not want the Navy - then stop reaching - but do not for one minute wish you stopped trying. I had been running from making the best decision of my life and I will never regret the hard work and effort it took. I love the Navy. I love what it stands for. I love being a part of something bigger. I would hate for you to walk away - but it is work and it is an effort but reaching the goal - that is the best part.
Open your heart - but do not let your mind defeat you. Make a decision and focus. Keep your eye on the disco ball... "
"Do hard things..". That may be the simplest advice I've ever gotten, but man that really resounded with me. Why did I quit? Because it was hard and I wasn't guaranteed anything. I wasn't willing to put forth the effort and get let down. But what am I going to lose? I've GOT to get this weight off. If I do that and then they don't let me in then I've still got the weight off.
So that's what I'm doing. I'm reminding myself to do hard things. And, I'll tell you...I've never realized until now just how quickly I wanted to give up when things get tough. I've picked back up on my running and have had to build that mental toughness back up from nothing all over again. It hasn't been easy, but it's been worth it.
Last summer I was barely able to fit into 14s after coming down from a size 20 at my highest weight of 238lbs. In February of this year I was devastated to find that my weight had shot up after I totally fell off the Navy/exercise wagon. I found myself wearing 18s again. I was in total denial at first and even bought my first home pregnancy kit thinking that I had to be pregnant if I had gained so much weight so quickly. Of course it was negative because the truth was that I just got fat again. So I said SCREW THIS. I'm not going back there! I got back up to about 220 and started working my ass off again.
Now its June and I'm fitting into some of my 14s again. I still haven't gotten below 200 again which is frustrating, but I'm going about my fitness differently.
Last year when I was training I was getting really discouraged with the push-ups/curl-ups. I mean seriously...YOU try to do sit-ups when you're 200lbs. I also have a really weak core. However....this time I'm taking my husband's advice and I'm going to get a lot of the weight off first before I start doing that stuff again. Thats just a lot of weight to be working with and though it's possible it feels terrible!
The running is helping. I can tell that its trimming my belly up and the rest of me. I'm not losing the weight as quickly this time, but I think that might be a good thing. I'm trying to focus on a lifestyle overhaul instead of letting myself get frustrated because I'm not meeting weight-loss goals.
That was another problem. People..if you're going to set a weight-loss goal then please do so realistically and not like I did. I had this idea that I was going to go home to my family last year and look like a completely different person. And even though I was doing REALLY well with my training and had lost a lot of came to about two weeks before I was supposed to go and it hit me like a ton of bricks that there was no way I was going to meet that goal. That really sent me into a downward spiral and was the beginning of the end for me. So please don't do that to yourselves!
So anyhow I'm running every other day and I'm back up to 2.5mi and anxious to get back to my 5k distance. I'm eating a lot better as well. So I'll keep you all posted as far as my progress.
I can't wait to be a United States Sailor.
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