No Line on the Horizon

My journey to become a United States Sailor.

After the flood all the colors came out..

Phew! What a rollercoaster my moods are lately. For this I blame Mother Nature..pure and simple. I came to that realization yesterday evening and when I lie in bed last night I prayed..

"Okay God...PLEASE let me be myself tomorrow. Please let me get the things done that need to be done. Let me actually accomplish something. I need to workout. Help me to do that. Give me the air in my lungs, the strength in my muscles, and the stamina in my mind to do that......"

Well it seems to have worked. I woke up this morning. Or, rather, was woken up by the guy arriving to do the semi-annual inspection on our heating and A/C. Let me tell you..alarms thus far have proven to be worthless for me. With a normal alarm I just hit snooze until I either tire of it and turn it off (all done in my sleep mind you!) or I wake up and hour and a half past the time it was scheduled to go off and don't remember hitting snooze 400 times.

I've tried putting it across the room. I just hobble over totally pissed off and shut it off because, I will NOT be getting up to do that again!! I have an alarm program on my cellphone and at first I thought it was great. One of the features of it is that you have to solve a 3-digit+3-digit math problem. (Like 394+283) Now...I do not consider myself to be very good at Math. In fact, I have sort of a block about it because I had such an awful Math teacher in HS that made me feel like a retard. So I'm really slow at it. Well guess what I now do? I solve the question half-asleep without thinking about it and it snoozes. So I shorted the snooze to 3 minutes. I just do it again and immediately fall back asleep.

I'm actually pretty worried about this. When I student-taught I was able to get up on time every day. But I think it was in the back of my mind that I COULDN'T be late. That was in the Fall of 2008 and since then I haven't had to get up early for hardly anything. I'm worried about either getting a teaching job and sleeping through my alarm or not being able to wake up right away in the Navy. Can you imagine how much that would piss the lovely folks at RTC off? Yikes!!

So thats my alarm dilemma. I have found a huge list of alarms that do all sorts of crazy crap which you can view here. I am also going to ask my husband if we can spend the money to get me this. This bad-boy allows you ONE snooze and then leaps off of your bedside table and goes rolling around so that you have to get your sleepy butt out of bed and find it. This one also has a touch-friendly face that works like an iPod and you can add your favorite mp3s to it to wake up to or even a voice recorded wake-up call. Pretty rad, huh? Its kinda expensive though, thats the only problem. My dog also tends to sleep on the floor RIGHT beside my side of the bed and I can just see this thing popped off and landing on his poor head.

Any suggestions?

On another note I just biked around 8 miles which felt awesome after four days of no exercise and (Shhhh!) 2 days of McDonalds. So maybe I'm coming out of this. Again..I blame Mother Nature. Either of right now I'm moving forward and not backward. Thats always good for me. :)

Later Taters!

Future Sailor, GM Ringle


I have the hardest time waking up in the morning too! I'm so not a morning person. The alarm clock I have right now works a little better than other ones I've had. I have to put it over on my dresser because I'll turn them off in my sleep too if I don't have to get out of bed to do it. The one I have starts off beeping very quietly and the longer you take to turn it off, the louder it gets until it is practically screaming at you. I can't stand the noise, so I turn it off. Now, granted, I do like to hit the snooze button once (maybe twice), but this one works pretty well. I thought about getting that one that rolls around that you were talking about, but I decided that's too much work (although that may help get us ready for boot some pushups while your down there trying to dig it out from under your Good luck in your search!


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