No Line on the Horizon

My journey to become a United States Sailor.

An Cat Dubh

Today I am fierce. I am a warrior. Yesterday, and since Thursday last, I was a by-stander, a lump on a log. . Not today. Today I am a lioness.

Something clicked today as it always seems to do after a dry-spell with my exercising/eating. I haven't exercised since last Thursday when I did Zumba (which I dearly love!). I sort of fell off the wagon again. I'm not sure why this happens sometimes. And worse than all of this I haven't run for something like 2 weeks now I think. I was kickin' ass and takin' names in the gym for a week straight and finally moved up to a mile and a half with me run and then totally fell apart. Thats when I had the string of bad workouts. I'm not sure where that came from but I certainly know I've been in a weird, dark place since then.

Today, I tore into a couple of morons on the Women Redefined Facebook page. These morons have been creeping on the page for a few days now and generally harassing the women on there. They started posting comments that were extremely derogatory towards women and several things which fit the definition of sexual harassment to a I took them apart. I didn't get emotional..I didn't really even get upset at all. I just put them in their place and then toyed with them for a a cat with a mouse. ;)

For some reason today if you have a penis you're going to act like a moron. This generalization is not extended to my husband and a few other good men. First it was the idiots on Facebook and then (if you can believe this) these college-aged guys at the Y today nearly got into a fight. The guys were obviously friends but started raising their voices and making fun of one another until they started talking about taking it outside. Now..I am of the opinion that boys don't become men and grow a brain until at least 30..and even then not always. Sure there's are exceptions but they are just that! I was amused that during all of this there was an older guy with gray hair and a young face that just casually kept on working out and ignored them. He was so yummy. This, ladies, is why I married an older man. 'Nuff said! LOL

So I was feeling very fiesty after dismembering the misogynists on Facebook so I took my fierce behind over the Y and ran a mile and a half again! Woohoo!! I also did it while sprinting at 6 mph! I had soooo much energy and I've never run that fast before. I usually run between 4.3-4.5mph. I felt awesome! My strides were so long I felt like a freakin' gazelle. Take that boys!

Ladies...not that this was the case, but don't ever let a man belittle you, try to control you, or tell you that you're not good enough.

We are women. Hear us roar!

Future Sailor, GM Ringle


Yes girl, Yes ma'am!

My ex who is a Nuke on a sub always had the degrating "you cannot do what I can do" attitude about himself and me. He flat out told me via text message "Until you can pass a PRT, until you can push out those push-ups, sit-ups, and run 1.5 miles you can't tell me sh*t. Do you even have what it takes to be in the military? No."

Giiiiiirl, I saved that damn text for inspiration. I showed his lil evil butt! Is he "better" than me on some scales? Sure. He's more athletic. That is IT. But do I care? NO. Does he have a college degree? No. Did he ever support himself before he left for the Navy? No. Could he have made it through boot camp without me and my support? NO!

So little boys will be little boys because they are insecure and need "Damsels in Distress" to make them feel needed and important. Well, baby, I am NOT your Damsel. Go find another.

We GOT this!! Hooyah.


Love this post!!!!! you are awesome Gina!

I think you are great and your words are works of inspiration.


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